Matric Upgrade
Maths & Science Classes
Upgrading or rewriting your matric? We provide comprehensive matric upgrade preparation classes to help you improve your marks and excel in your exams.
Level: Grade 12
Monday - Thursday
Matric Upgrade Class Offerings
Mon & Wed @ 09:00 – 10:30
90-minute mathematics matric upgrade group class during the week.
from R1250 p/m
Tues & Thurs @ 09:00 – 10:30
Physical Science
90-minute physical science matric upgrade group class during the week.
from R1250 p/m
Upgrade Mathematics Lesson Plan
Commencing The Week of 03 June 2024
Week 1
Basic Algebra
Solving Quadratic Equations:
– Factorisation
– Quadratic formulae
– Squaring both sides
Week 2
Completing the square
K-method substitution
Week 3
Week 4
Patterns, Sequences and Series:
– Arithmetic (Linear Pattern)
– Geometric Sequence
Week 5
Quadratic sequence
Sigma notation
Week 6
– Linear and quadratic
– Hyperbola and Exponential
Week 7
Logarithmic function
Inverse functions
Week 8
– Reduction formulae
– Simplifying trig expressions (Using C.A.S.T diagram)
– Proving trig identities (Compound formulae)
Week 9
Solving trig equations (Determining the general solution)
2D & 3D Trigonometry
Week 10
Euclidean Geometry:
– Circle Geometry
– Centre, Cyclic quads & Tangents
Week 11
Proportionality Theorems
Week 12
Analytical Geometry:
– The equation of lines through two points
– Parallel lines and perpendicular
Week 13
Analytical Geometry:
– Analytical geometry of circles
– Equation of a tangent to a circle
Week 14
Differential Calculus:
– Factorise 3rd degree polynomials
– Use limits to find the derivative
– Finding derivatives
Week 15
– Sketching cubic polynomials
– Optimisation
Week 16
Financial Maths:
– Solving Problems involving present value and Future value annuities
– Make use of algorithms to calculate the value of n, the time period
– Critically analyse investment and loan options and make informed decisions
Week 17
– Histograms
– Frequency Polygons
– Ogives
– Variance and standard deviation of ungrouped data
– Use statistical summaries – scatterplots, regression and correlation
Week 18
– Tree diagrams
– Venn Diagrams
– Contingency table
Week 19
Fundamental Counting Principles:
– Application of fundamental counting principles to solve probability problems
Week 20
Upgrade Physical Science Lesson Plan
Commencing The Week of 03 June 2024
Week 1
Session 1: Organic Chemistry – IUPAC Nomenclature
Session 2: Organic Chemistry – IUPAC Nomenclature (cont..)
Week 2
Session 1: Organic Chem reactions
Session 2: Organic Chem reactions (Cont..)
Week 3
Session 1: Organic Chemistry (Physical and Chemical Properties)
Session 2: Consolidation and Conclusion
Week 4
Session 1: Newton’s Laws of Motion Introduction
Session 2: Newton’s Laws Application
Week 5
Session 1: Newton’s laws on Universal of Attraction
Session 2: Momentum and Impulse
Week 6
Session 1: Vertical Projectile Motion
Session 2: VPM (cont…)
Week 7
Session 1: Work Energy Power
Session 2: WEP (cont…)
Week 8
Session 1: Rates of Chemical Reactions
Session 1: Rates of Reaction (cont…)
Week 9
Session 1: Chemical Equilibrium
Session 2: Chemical Equilibrium Applications
Week 10
Session 1: Chemical Equilibrium (cont…)
Session 2: Doppler Effect
Week 11
Session 1: Electrostatics
Session 2: Electrostatics (cont… )
Week 12
Session 1: Electrochemistry (Galvanic Cells)
Session 2: Electrochemistry (cont…)
Week 13
Session 1: Electric Circuits
Session 2: Electric circuits (cont…)
Week 14
Session 1: Electric Circuits
Session 2: Electrodynamics
Week 15
Session 1: Acids and Bases
Session 2: Acids and Bases
Week 16
Session 1: Electrochemistry (Electrolysis)
Session 2: Elctrolysis
Week 17
Session 1: PhotoElectric Effect
Session 2: The Photoelectriceffect
Week 18
Session 1: Graphs and Interpretation
Session 2: Sketch graphs
Week 19
Session 1: Recap Chemistry
Session 2: Recap Chemistry
Week 20
Session 1: Recap Physics
Session 2: Recap Physics
What Our Students Say

I wanna take this opportunity and thank you for being there for me. I know you don’t even know me but you helped me a lot with Physical Sciences. I used to watch a lot of your videos. I did like and subscribe to you on YouTube and eventually, I have a distinction in Physical Sciences because of your contribution. God bless you, Mr. Nkosi

Zakhele M.

Good day, sir, I am Rifuwo. I was in Matric last year. I got a distinction for both maths and physics and it's all thanks to you, I wouldn't have done it without you.